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Debbie's Spurts

Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.


Currently reading

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking
Samin Nosrat, Wendy MacNaughton
Bring Me Their Hearts
Sara Wolf
House of Earth and Blood
Sarah J. Maas
A Selection of Designs inspired by Iznik & Delft Pottery in Cross Stitch: 16 stunning floral cross stitch designs
Durene Jones
Ain't Love a Witch?
Dakota Cassidy
Progress: 1 %
The Old Witcheroo
Dakota Cassidy
Gemina (The Illuminae Files)
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman
Progress: 100 %
The Dragonbone Chair
Tad Williams
Progress: 14 %

Favorite Book Quotes

"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake"— Lois McMaster Bujold







Mini-Review of "Wearing the Cape: A Superhero Novel" by Marion G. Harmon

Wearing the Cape: A Superhero Novel - Marion G. Harmon

I just had to buy thus one after the downloaded free sample hooked me.


Fooled me.  I kept wavering on whether or not to DNF.  There kept being pieces where it would start to get good, the world start to be interesting ... so uneven.  Nothing really wrong with the editing like the books I can really rant about.  It just seemed like couldn't make up its mind what story it wanted to tell.


I should have DNF'ed and won't be continuing the series.  It wouldn't surprise me to find out the book was a collaboration with authors far apart in age.  Equally the inconsistency could be just a newbie author not quite pulling it together.  "Done with the series" doesn't mean I'd never give this author another chance. 


One thing I really disliked in main character was how there was an implied judgment tIhat only she was a good, moral person -- sometimes her attitudes and decisions read like author was a mom creating perfect Stepford daughter.  Then again, I'm getting to where I loathe stories where the moral choice is whatever main character does but same choice made by other character is immoral.


I sampled a lot of superhero books after really liking Velveteen vs. The Multiverse - Seanan McGuire  and Heroine Complex - Sarah Kuhn.  This was hardly  the worst one out there based on my sampling.