Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.
The large bookcover at left (dashboard view) you get by choosing "post" on book pages, "update and publish" on currently reading display or by pressing the large "plus" sign when creating/editing posts.
If in the text of your posts you want to link to book page (like Runaway Robot - Lester del Rey ) or with book cover thumbnails like:
then read on for screenshots and instructions.
(Of course, you can also use the URLs to the book pages to link but this method is the booklikes equivalent of goodreads' "add book/author" and LibraryThing's "touchstones". For some odd reason, possibly just cross-posting, I keep seeing booklikes posts with links to the book pages on other sites rather than to booklikes book pages.)
When creating or editing a post, you click on the plus'ed bookcover to see additional options.
Pressing the photo/image icon now showing on upper left of bookcover inserts a cover thumbnail that links to booklikes page:
Pressing the gray chain/link icon inserts a text link to the booklikes book page:
Pressing the "X" leaves anything in body of your post intact but removes the big giant opening bookcover.
[I'm also seeing lots of posts linked to books with green-missing-image covers that also include a hand inserted image of the bookcover. If you have the cover image available to insert manually in your posts, please consider taking the time to help your fellow readers and beef up the booklikes database by visiting the book page and clicking "add cover" underneath that empty cover:
When a missing cover gets added, the "+" cover automatically updates; the thumbnail added to body/text of your post must be reinserted.