Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.
Verdict? BLIP!
A seriously brief sample; I've read longer flash fiction. Basically, we now know the main character spent her childhood with her family. Duh.
So, no conclusion. Neither good nor bad. Promises elements I might like if done well (fantasy, other world) and elements I will loathe if done wrong (the special heroine with special talent gets special rank/attention).
Which I already knew before reading the sample.
I won't be buying at hardcover prices. Will watch everyone else's reviews. Will keep an eye out for paperback pricing on ebook or for library to get the ebook.
Oh, I just remembered -- isn't this the same publisher (Harper Collins) that listed ARCs on NetGalley that were missing their final chapters?