Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.
Not really exactly a review. Just my impressions immediately after reading. A better indication of what I thought of the book is that I'm now immediately starting the final book of the trilogy, House Corrino.
Yes, the booklikes terminator emoticon really does apply. ("How" would be a spoiler.)
I'm wolfing through this trilogy. It does nicely at filling in the stuff leading up to original Dune books. This was a good read (okay not as engrossing as the originals).
Suffers a tiny bit from all the POVs but by now they were familiar POVs of characters most Dune fans would want to hear about in the prequels. Doesn't really suffer from middle-book-itis (meaning stuff happens and some plots get resolved versus purely filler material).
The ending I dd remember plus a couple of chapters were familiar, so pretty sure I did read at least this book of the trilogy.