Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.
This had all the right elements. I mostly liked the main character, the story, the pacing, what I found of the worldbuilding ... should have been an unmitigated hit.
It it always started to get interesting then just missed. I have no idea if will be going on with these.
I think I missed something because it almost but never quite connected or became page-turning-ly interesting. There's still some bits and pieces that make me think the series could be an interesting one, including the Clarys that showed at end--partly to see if I'd see this one differently after reading more.
I triple checked this was one to read first of the multiple series/books.
I know that some of the puzzling worldbuilding was because of author's device of a geas near the charter stones prohibiting anyone from discussing the background of charter and free magic. I know I'm supposed to accept that the "rules," the good/evil or logic when set aside for M.C. were supposed to be accepted because she was the Abhorsen (rather than hypocritical or illogical withn the framework already established) -- but I struggled with it.
I still don't swallow how it was acceptable or evil when plot-convenient (never of course when the Abhorsen was doing it) to enslave Moggot(?) and others. From other discussions, I gather " free magic" like M.'s was supposed to be evil (except when used by Abhorsen)...?
No hurry to continue series if I do.