Just an avid reader. Mostly SF/Fantasy, some hobbies, paranormal, urban fantasy and lighter, fluffier things.
(Edited to provide additional screenshots and to crop others so they are not complete versions, though of course I have those. -- LAWH)
How do I feel about this? Well, Booklikes doesn't have an emoticon for disgusted but not surprised.
On fiverr dot com, her name is saffronblossom.
She claims to have a law degree.
She's been selling reviews on fiverr for quite some time.
She used to review on Goodreads under the names E. Lovett, Dianne Lucas, and E. Lucas. All of those accounts were closed in August and September of 2014 -- more than a year ago -- based upon evidence provided to Goodreads that the reviews violated Goodreads' Terms of Service. E. Lucas is the name under which she reviewed then and continues to review at Amazon.
Here is her review of Zay Heron's "Hunt for the Defender" on Amazon.
Note the date of 7 October 2015.
Here is the testimonial posted on Saffronblossom's fiverr profile from zayheron.
Circumstantial evidence? Oh, let's go one further. How much are you willing to bet there's a review within the past two weeks by E. Lucas of a book by Michal Hartstein?
Here is E. Lucas' Amazon review of "Unrequited" from July 2014.
And E. Lovett's review of the same book dated the same day on Goodreads.
This was sufficient evidence for Goodreads to remove the E. Lovett account in early August 2014. Saffronblossom came back with another account, Dianne Lucas, which was also removed, and again with another E. Lucas account, which was also removed. There's a very good possibility that she has returned with another; I gave up in frustration.
The point of this is, of course, that she was routinely and repeatedly reported to Goodreads and they dealt with the situation appropriately.
She was never removed from Amazon. The review for "Unrequited" is still there under her account. She has 1146 reviews. She is a Top 500 reviewer. She is a fiverr shill.
Interestingly enough, saffronblossom is not among those named in the complaint filed last week.